Personal assistant

Human memory is unreliable - luckily Edward is not human. He will not forget.

You are dealing with a lot of customers? So you will admit that it is not easy to associate them only by name and surname. Edward will give you a helping hand by displaying a relationship history that will remind you all finished with scheduled calls or meetings and saved notes. Thanks to this information, you will quickly recall the context of the relationship and check the findings of the last conversation. What do you usually do with received business cards? Most people put them in their pockets with the thought "I'll make order with him sometime." Do you know this from somewhere? Edward will solve this problem - the business card scanner offered by him will allow you to immediately enter the contact you have received at your base. In this way you will maintain order in both your phone, CRM and in your own pocket. The application works on the basis of scenarios that can be easily adapted to any style of work. So if your process requires specific behaviors in which Edward could help you - no problem. Just let us know.

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EDWARD is an AI powered sales assistant used by sales teams in companies of all sizes.

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